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Disposable Moulds

A new generation of Made in Italy moulds that are changing the way professionals work in the laboratory. Practical, economical and fast, disposable moulds for cakes and individual cakes allow you to speed up production of semifreddo, saving time, reducing costs and eliminating the use of detergents and water consumption due to washing.

The future is in One Move

With One Strip moulds, the future is already here.

You can prepare your parfaits and store them for later use. This way work will be more organised and faster.

And once you want to unmould One Strip, you can do it in one easy step.

One Strip allows you to optimise your work, saving time and money. Plus, you don't have to worry about disposal because it is 100% recyclable.

One Strip moulds are also writable, so you can mark them with the date of production and the type of preparation. 



One Strip is 100% recyclable. This will result in less water usage and the elimination of detergents that are harmful to the environment.

Why choose One Strip?

One Strip saves:

- 30% of production TIMES

- 15% of the COSTS of materials

-20% of LABOUR


It will be possible to save up to 30% of production costs, making it more efficient and organized.

Future in your lab
The complete range

The One Strip line consists of cake moulds and single-portion moulds.
Find the right mould for you.

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