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Martellato: made in Italy in the world

Martellato is present all over the world with a capillary distribution network to control the main reference markets: Europe, North and South America, North Africa, Middle East and South-East Asia.

In the European markets, including the Italian one, the commercial activity involves collaboration with selected wholesalers, in other more international markets, on partnership for the specialised distribution of the product at local level.

Corporate Haedquarter

Martellato's headquarter is concentrated in the modern plant in Padua, inaugurated in 2014 and expanded in 2022.

In addition to the management offices, the building houses the research and development area, the product showroom and the modern laboratory for demos and masterclasses. Part of the production and logistics is organised in the warehouse.

immagine azienda Martellato
Distribution and logistics

A logistics system supported by advanced management software allows us to enhance and constantly improve customer service.

Direct control of sales, managing and supervising the worldwide distribution of its products and commercial agreements with agents and distributors in key markets ensure commercial efficiency.

immagine logistica Martellato